Friday, December 4, 2015



Tourists should not forget to drop by Angkor Thom City, which was built by King Jayavarman VII nearly 100 years after Angkor Wat. The place is just as attractive as the world-renowned Angkor Wat. Between the ruined landscapes, travelers can walk around the huge boulders sprawling in the Bayon Temple. The road to the gate of Angkor Thom is truly impressive; the two sides feature the statue of the snake body hugging 7 First, about a few hundred yards along the border of this ancient city. The center is called the Bayon, with four doors pointing in different directions. North-west of Bayon is the palace of King Phimeanakas. It also has a road running east to a gate door called "Victory". So there are two central Angkor Thom expressions of two different historical periods. Currently, the city is in ruins, inside the dense jungle, vines everywhere... and you may spot an area where a scene from Lara Croft: Tomb Raider was filmed.

Ta Prohm Temple is also known as the Tomb of the Queen. This is the most romantic temple in Angkor, built by King Jayavarman VII in 1186 to commemorate his mother Jayarajachudanami. The ancient trees such as kapok, Ficus religiosa grow on the temple with large roots literally covering the tower. There is also a mysterious corridor which leads to the interior. In addition, there are other Angkor ruins such as Preah Khan, Roulos, Banteay Srei, Phnom Bakeng places... each boasting of a different ancient beauty.

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